Bentleigh Doctors

Medical Certificate

Medical Certificate - Can It Be Backdated?

What's a Medical Certificate, and why do people get it?

A Medical Certificate is like a note from a doctor that says you're not feeling well. People usually need it if they have to take time off work or miss important activities.

The main point of this certificate is to show that you're really not well. It's like proof for your boss, school, or whoever needs to know.

Issuing a medical certificate is a quick, easy and convenient service.

To get a medical certificate, simply book an appointment with one of our doctors.

Medical Certificate FAQs

Doctors can't do that. They only write about how you're feeling when you see them, not about before, even if you were sick.
If it's hard to see the doctor right away, call and tell them. If you can't get an appointment, ask the person at the front desk to write down that you called. This can show you tried to see the doctor earlier.
If you book appointments online, the computer notes when you made the appointment. This helps show when you wanted to see the doctor. If people doubt you were sick earlier, you can show them the computer note.
Even though the doctor can't write about days before, these tips help show you were really trying to see the doctor early. It's a fair way to explain your situation.