Bentleigh Doctors

Pathology Services

Pathology Collection: All You Need To Know

Our Pathology Services cover blood and urine collection for tests, including Electrocardiograms (ECGs).
Extremely convenient, especially for tests that require fasting. We've extended our hours to accommodate various schedules.
When you receive a referral from our doctors, they provide clear instructions tailored to each test, ensuring you're well-prepared.
No worries. Just give our Pathology Service team a call at (03) 7034 7000. We're here to assist and clarify any queries you may have.
Absolutely! Regardless of the pathology company's form used for the referral, any collection centre from another pathology company is authorised to collect the test.
It allows you to choose a collection centre that suits your convenience, making the entire process more accessible and tailored to your needs.
Our goal is to provide comprehensive and accessible pathology services. From relevant pathology requests to accommodating opening hours, we prioritise making your experience smooth and stress-free.
Feel free to reach out to our Pathology Service. Your health is our priority, and we're here to help.